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GQA Assessors trained in TruFitFenestration assessors from GQA Approved Centres have been trained in the theory and application of TruFit® impregnated expanding foam installation tape from Edgetech UK. The training was given by Richard Willetts, Divisional Sales and Technical Manager at Tremco Illbruck, Edgetech’s manufacturing partner for TruFit. It was held at Tremco Illbruck’s dedicated training facility which includes a hands-on space to install windows.

Martin Sadler, Technical Officer and External Quality Advisor at GQA says: “Our fenestration assessors are seeing TruFit used more and more when assessing installers onsite.

“We know there’s been an increase in the use of impregnated foam installation tapes since the recent revision of the BS8213-4:2016 standards. The revision sees foam fitting tapes, like TruFit, added to the code of practice for the survey and installation of windows and doors.

“The training gave the assessors the knowledge to make sure everything is being installed correctly. Fenestration assessors also ask installers questions about how installation foam tapes work and the benefits it provides.

“We look to test the knowledge of installers applying for or updating their GQA Continued Competence Card. Now we can assess their understanding of how TruFit seals the window perimeter and how it makes it weatherproof.”

TruFit reduces heat loss compared to traditional silicone sealants, and saves time and money for installers so it’s no surprise that it’s growing in popularity. It has also made it a product that GQA was keen to develop its knowledge of.  Now 14 assessors from GQA Approved Centres have been given dedicated guidance about how TruFit works and on how to install it effectively, with further training sessions already arranged for 2017.

“The theory behind TruFit was new to most people who attended but they came away with a real understanding of its benefits,” says Richard Willetts. “Feedback was extremely positive, with the GQA telling us they received the right blend of technical input and practical training to get an understanding of TruFit.”

If you would like to improve your knowledge of foam fitting window tape seal too, call us on 02476 639931 or visit our TruFit page.

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