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Weruwise has ditched silicone for the fast fitting, clean and energy efficient TruFit®, the new expanding foam edge window tape seal from Edgetech UK, a Quanex company. The East Sussex installation company is now using TruFit in all whole house installations.

“Customers like the neat finish they get with TruFit. There are no trims, bobbly silicone or paint lines and that’s got us a few word of mouth recommendations already,” says Steve Hugill, Partner at Weruwise.

“Our installation teams are impressed too. Because there’s no need for them to add a trim it saves them time as well as looking neater. They don’t have to use messy silicone or PU foam either.

“It’s easy to fit around the window and then it expands to fill any gaps between the frame and the surround. The fitters also like Edgetech’s specially designed belt to go round the roll of TruFit to keep it secure.”

Weruwise has used Super Spacer for 9 years, so when Edgetech brought out TruFit they were keen to try it. Steve adds: “We’re always on the lookout for ways to make us more professional. TruFit definitely fits the bill. It’s the future.”

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