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The next and final stop for the ‘Journey to C’ nationwide series of workshops on Window Energy Ratings and the up and coming changes to Building Regulations is happening on the 28th June at the Belfast Waterfront and now has the support of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Andy Jones, Managing Director of Edgetech, organisers of the events comments: “Each of the seven workshops we’ve hosted so far has been tailored for the region and the audience attending and Belfast will be no different. So we’re thrilled to have the support of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive as well as co-sponsors of this particular event, CENSolutions Ltd.

“David Adamson from Building Control at the NI Housing Executive will not only be attending the event, but will also be giving a paper to delegates about the regulation changes affecting Northern Ireland. Window companies in Northern Ireland are facing similar challenges to those in the rest of the UK. It is likely that as of 1st October, every single replacement window they sell must achieve a Window Energy Rating ‘C’ or higher or alternatively must attain an overall window U-Value of 1.6W/m2K.

“Other speakers on the day will include Willie Montgomery who is a Consultant for the Independent Agent, ER Certification and Brendan Ruddy from CENSolutions. I will also be giving some hints and tips on what companies already selling Energy Rated Windows have found to work and directing delegates to some practical marketing tools that will make their lives easier. With 57 people registering their interest so far, we should be in for another good event.”

To register for the final ‘Journey to C’ visit www.journeytoc.co.uk

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