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Over 500 people have attended Edgetech’s series of ‘Journey to C’ workshops around the country, so far. Starting in Edinburgh and finishing in Cornwall, the workshops have provided window companies with vital information about the proposed Building Regulations, the process of getting a Window Energy Rating and access to important industry experts that have the very latest information on these issues. Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing explains: “Although Journey to C was primarily aimed at fabricators and installers, delegates from sealed unit manufacturers, glass companies and systems companies also attended the events. Edgetech believes it has a responsibility to its customers to keep abreast of market changes and make sure they are the first to know what action they need to take to stay ahead of the competition. ‘Journey to C’ took this philosophy to the wider industry.

“At the time of writing we are unfortunately still awaiting the announcement from Government to hear precisely what changes will be made to the Building Regulations in October. Obviously if any substantial changes are now announced, we have even less time to act than we would if the announcement had been made at the beginning of April. That is precisely why we decided to go ahead with ‘Journey to C’ before the announcement was made – firstly because it would have been too late to act afterwards, and secondly because we see the benefit and importance of companies achieving Window Energy Ratings sooner rather than later, regardless of the changes to Building Regulations. The feedback we’ve had from the workshops proves that there are plenty of forward thinking companies that agree. This is why we won’t be walking away from the challenge that faces our industry now that Journey to C is over, we will continue to work with industry partners and our customers to deliver windows that meet and exceed current and future legislation.”

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