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Just a few weeks after the previous seven ‘Journey to C’ events, the Edgetech team will be back on the road and heading for Belfast for its next and final workshop. Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing at Edgetech explains what the last ‘Journey to C’ event has in store for delegates: “We’re hosting our event at the Belfast Waterfront in association with CENSolutions the day before the G10 Belfast event kicks off in the hope that between the two events window fabricators, installers and industry professionals will have everything they need to face the challenges our industry holds for 2010.

“Window companies in Northern Ireland are facing similar challenges to those in the rest of the UK. It is likely that as of 1st October, every single replacement window they sell must achieve a Window Energy Rating ‘C’ or higher or alternatively must attain an overall window U-Value of 1.6Wm2K. With much of the focus remaining on Window Energy Ratings, the ‘Journey to C’ workshop in Belfast will hear from Willie Montgomery who is a Consultant for the Independent Agent, ER Certification. With first hand experience of helping companies achieve Window Energy Ratings and calling on his vast experience with the Northern Ireland Housing Association, Willie will talk delegates through the process involved in achieving a Window Energy Rating and the best way to approach it to ensure all your windows have the necessary ratings.

“Delegates to the event will hear from Brendan Ruddy from CENSolutions who will highlight the consultancy services available to the glazing industry to not only help them through the process but ensure they have all the necessary associated standards in place to achieve full compliance. I will also be sharing some sales and marketing advice and practical tools with delegates to ensure that once they have achieved the necessary standards, they are well equipped to sell those products. Selling energy rated windows actually gives window companies a great commercial advantage because it’s what consumers want. But it does require a different way of thinking and a different way of selling, which is something most companies don’t take into account.

“Finally delegates to the Belfast event will also be able to see a live demonstration of Gasglass from Sparklike. Prior to the invention of the innovative Gasglass technology, manufacturers had to virtually destroy units to test gas fill levels. Sparklike’s device is the first to enable testing without compromising the integrity of the IG unit.

“As well as hearing from the experts in a seminar style format, delegates will get several opportunities to put questions to those experts and have one to one meetings with the suppliers and the consultants, and of course the Edgetech team. For those that want to go that extra step, we are also offering qualifying delegates the opportunity to receive FREE Thermal Simulation and Air Leakage Reports from their Systems providers as part of the Journey to C initiative if they pre-register their details at www.journeytoc.co.uk”

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