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Glass Systems Ltd, a division of the UK’s largest independent IGU manufacturers, the Glass Systems Group, has continued its investment strategy and acquired the UK’s first twin head Super Spacer applicator. The applicator will enable Glass Systems Ltd to produce both warm edge triple and double glazed sealed units with increased efficiency, preparing the business for the expected increase in demand for this type of product.

It is due to be installed in May, when Glass Systems Ltd will switch to Super Spacer as their standard warm edge offering. Alan Atkinson, managing director of the Glass Systems Group explains:
“We’ve been using Edgetech at our conservatory roof division Climate for the past four years and last autumn successfully installed a fully automated Bystronic single head applicator at Glass Systems Direct, our sister company. Edgetech Super Spacer became our standard warm edge offering at Glass Systems Direct, and the next logical step was to continue the strategy at Glass Systems Ltd.

“The increasing demand for warm edge, combined with an anticipated increase in triple glazed resulted in us going down the twin head option from Bystronic. This is a major acquisition for Glass Systems Ltd, but there is no doubt both ourselves and our customers will benefit. It not only further automates production, increasing our efficiencies and quality, but also offers our customers that “something extra”. As well as ticking all the boxes in terms of WER requirements, the brand awareness and marketing help available from Edgetech for our customers, and in turn their customers, is a major plus for all concerned.

The trend for more warm edge IGUs is one that Alan does not see slowing down. He continues: “Two years ago warm edge represented about 10% of our business, but this is now at the 50% mark. With the new Building Regulations due in October this year, we envisage more and more demand and are gearing up for 80% warm edge. Fulfilling this demand with Super Spacer is the natural choice and allows us to continue to be not only the largest independent IGU manufacturer in the UK, but also the most productive.”

Andy Jones, Edgetech’s Managing Director comments: “We’re delighted to support Glass Systems as Super Spacer becomes an increasingly important part of their business. Alan’s comment about the increase in demand for warm edge and the requirement to fullfil this demand cost effectively and with the highest levels of productivity, is one being echoed by many companies. Always a front runner in market developments and direction, Glass Systems shares Edgetech’s philosophy of staying ahead by investment, and we look forward to supporting their future growth.”

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