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Edgetech, the only dedicated Warm Edge Technology manufacturer in the UK, has secured a place in the Construction Products Association Innovation and Achievement Showcase 2009 for its Super Spacer TriSeal product. “We’re delighted to have been included in the showcase, taking our place along side other big names like Marley, Knauf Insulation and Hanson,” says Edgetech Managing Director, Andy Jones. “To win this accolade, we had to prove why TriSeal is different and innovative and the real benefits it offers the end user, namely its improvement in thermal conductivity over and above other Warm Edge products of up to 50%. With such tough competition across the entire construction industry, we’re thrilled that Edgetech is representing its customers in this field.”

Ian Lucas, Minister for Business at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills commented on the showcase: “I want to start by saying how encouraged and impressed I am by the resilience and determination construction firms have shown over the past 12 months. The CPA Innovation and Achievement showcase is evidence that Britain is still a nation of innovators, delivering products and solutions that will shape the industry in the years ahead.”

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