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Edgetech Marketing Assistant, Dhilip Bains

We’re delighted that Dhilip Bains has joined our marketing team.

After studying Economics and History, Dhilip achieved an MBA from Cardiff University. He then joined a successful full-service marketing agency, working with major national and international brands.

At Edgetech, Dhilip will help co-ordinate the marketing teams across Britain and Germany, and work on its PR, social media, and digital marketing.

Chris Alderson comments: “We’re extremely pleased to be welcoming Dhilip to the team.

“His experience, professionalism and enthusiasm have already had an impact, and I’m looking forward to working with him in the years ahead.

Dhilip comments: “Edgetech is a globally respected brand, and it’s hugely exciting to be able to help it continue to thrive and grow.

“The Edgetech team have been extremely welcoming, and it’s a great place to work.”

For more information, please call 02476 639931 or contact us here. 

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