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Edgetech, the most cost effective Warm Edge Technology in the UK, has announced that it will be exhibiting at Ecobuild for the first time, next year. Alan Fielder, Director of Sales and Marketing at Edgetech explains: “We may be sick of hearing it but the fact of the matter is consumers and industries alike are continuing to demand more environmentally friendly and sustainable products. The fact that the Ecobuild exhibition gets such a high foot fall when other industry shows are struggling demonstrates just how hungry people are for the ‘green’ solution. Windows with Super Spacer inside are more energy efficient so we have taken the decision to support our customers by getting the Warm Edge Technology message across to specifiers and consumers at the show. With over 41,000 visitors looking at what the 1,000 exhibitors had to offer at the show this year, Edgetech hopes to launch its name at the show in style. We’ll be demonstrating all the benefits of our technology to visitors and asking them to get involved in practical demonstrations to see just how Super Spacer impacts on the overall window in terms of energy efficiency, noise reduction, reduced condensation and structural integrity. It’s a difficult proposition to make to consumers because Super Spacer is just a component of the overall window, but as always Edgetech is ready for the challenge to educate customers further down the supply chain to the benefits of using more energy efficient technologies in their windows.”

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