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Edgetech, UK manufacturer of the most cost effective warm edge technology is pleased to announce a further 55% increase in sales in January compared to January 2010. Andy Jones, Managing Director of Edgetech explains: “The general mood in the market is still a cautious one, but our existing customers continue to see their sales grow. Their continued proactive sales and marketing activities are paying off. It’s difficult to keep investing time and money in growing your business when the market is flat, but those that do often see signs of recovery before anyone else. Our customers have done a great job in keeping their foot on the accelerator and although we’re not out of the woods yet, their efforts are paying dividends. Edgetech has done its bit by continuing to invest in our Super Spacer Dealership network which offers hands on sales support as well as marketing materials for them and their customers. We’ve continued to invest in our business as well with a second European manufacturing facility opening in May and new associated products being added to our offering. We look forward to continuing to work with our customers to make the most of the opportunities that exist in our changing market.”

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