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jasonJason Blundred is Edgetech’s  Head of Operations, tasked with ensuring our factory runs as safely and efficiently as possible, and overseeing our customer service team.

I joined Edgetech in 2007 to help establish our first manufacturing facility outside of North America.

After a month of training at Edgetech HQ in Ohio – which was a fantastic experience leading in me to make new friends, a lot of which I stay connected with and visit today. I returned to the UK in March of 2007 with the target of installing getting the initial line fully operational by the end of April. I am happy to say we achieved it!

It is funny to look back now – I remember celebrating us making 100,000 feet of spacer across three shifts. We can now do that in one!

How does your role support customers?

Everything I do in my job is about ensuring we are offering our customers the best products, backed with the best service.

Safety is a key part of my role, keeping the factory accident-free is a vital part of making sure all our team go home safely each day.

I also keep a close eye on product quality, which again is a critical part of meeting and exceeding our customer expectations.

More generally, my job involves doing whatever is necessary to support the Edgetech team in supporting our valued customers.

We are fortunate to have an incredible group of people working at Edgetech, many of them have over ten years’ service here, and it is quite common for individuals to be promoted from within the business.

Over the last 10 years, more than 30 staff members have been promoted internally, and I think it’s that culture of identifying talent and supporting people to grow that’s made Edgetech the force it is today.

Why are you proud to work at Edgetech?

Because we are genuinely dedicated to safety, quality and customer service.

Edgetech, and Quanex more broadly, is the most safety-focused organisation I have ever worked in. If we need something safety related, its funded, money doesn’t come into it – if it’ll help keep our people safe, we get it.

It has been an extremely disrupted and unpredictable few years. But the dedicated team here has taken it all in their stride and worked incredibly hard to ensure we never let a customer down.

I’m extremely passionate and proud to work at Edgetech – my wife refers to the company as one of my children, I guess that’s because I’ve seen it grow from nothing to the business it is today, and I couldn’t imagine and wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.

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