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Edgetech COVID-19 Update for Customers
4 May 2020

Further to our update on 8th April regarding the extension of our temporary shutdown of the business, I am pleased to confirm that we are working towards a reopening date of the sales office on 11th May with deliveries to restart later that week.

We have been using the time since we shutdown to work on a safe return plan, put stocks of PPE and sanitiser in place, implemented new working procedures and policies on strict social distancing – all so we can ensure the safety of our employees and customers when we begin to work.

We will be continuing our collection only basis orders on Thursday 7th May for important and urgent orders which has enabled us to successfully keep our customers operating through this time. If you would like to place an order for collection during that time please contact Tony Palmer on tony.palmer@edgetechig.com or 07738 800779 as soon as possible.

We built up some stocks of product before the shutdown as contingency in the case of COVID-19 affecting our ability to manufacture. Initially, we will be supplying orders from stock, and anticipate beginning manufacturing again towards the end of May, depending on order volumes. We will be working to maintain our usual delivery standards but please be aware lead times and availability of products that we outsource may be affected during this time.

Please do not hesitate to speak to me or Tony if you have any questions.

I am glad to be taking this step forwards knowing we can do so safely, and look forward to the time when we can return fully to normality.

Kind Regards,

Chris Alderson
Managing Director

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