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Update 5 January 2021

Following the Prime Minister’s latest lockdown announcement, in line with the guidance for construction and manufacturing, we would like to reassure customers that Edgetech will continue to operate as usual.

We are operating our facilities under COVID-19 guidelines and we will continue to keep welfare and safety our top priority. As always, we will monitor the latest guidance and keep customers updated throughout.

With the renewed emphasis on working from home in this lockdown we wanted to take the opportunity to remind you of the services we have put in place to enable us to continue delivering the expected level of service from us and that are available to help you operate during this time too.

Customer Services

Our customer services department is open from 8.00am-4pm. We have put in a new phone system to enable office staff to answer the main line whether working from home or in the office so you can continue to contact us by:

Phone: 02476 639931

Email: ukorders@edgetechig.com


As a reminder our lead time is 5 working days for all main Super Spacer, TruPlas and Aluminium products, so please bear this in mind when managing stocks.

Our online ordering system is available which may help you to enable your purchasing teams to work from home more easily. It also enables our team to process the orders more efficiently and results in more accurate orders.

Over 40% of orders are now placed through this system and feedback from customers using this method have indicated it is easy to use and their preferred way of placing orders now.

The service is supported with full remote training and how-to videos. To arrange an online demonstration or to set up your online account contact Krishma Patel, on krishma.patel@edgetechig.com.


Please contact our accounts team by email on: ukaccounts@edgetechig.com.

Area Managers

To discuss your account or for technical queries please contact either:

 Tony Palmer, Head of Sales

Phone: 07738 800779

Email: tony.palmer@edgetechig.com


Iain Britton, National Technical Sales Representative

Phone: 07741 260293

Email: iain.britton@edgetechig.com


We would like to assure you that we are doing all we can to continue to operate with the safety of our employees and customers in mind and will continue to update you as the situation develops.

Stay safe,

Chris Alderson

Managing Director

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