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Edgetech COVID-19 Update
13 May 2020

Further to our update on 30th April regarding our intention to work towards reopening customer services for order processing and deliveries week commencing 11th May, I am pleased to confirm the following increase in our service availability and contact details for each department:

Customer Services
The usual customer service channel of ordering is now open once again from 8.30am-5pm.
Deliveries are available daily for most products – please place your order by 2pm for next day delivery.
Collections can now be made from our Coventry office every morning, Monday-Friday – please place your order by 2pm the previous day so we can check stock and prepare it for dispatch.

Please use the following contact methods for placing or discussing orders:
Phone: 07515 576484
Email: ukorders@edgetechig.com

Our online ordering system is also available which may help you to enable your purchasing teams to work from home more ably. For more information on this or to have an online account set-up please contact Charlotte Mercer, Head of Marketing, on charlotte.mercer@edgetechig.com.

Please contact our accounts team by email on: ukaccounts@edgetechig.com.

Area Managers
To discuss your account or for technical queries please contact Tony Palmer, Head of Sales, on:
Phone: 07738 800779
Email: tony.palmer@edgetechig.com

We built up some stocks of product before the shutdown as contingency in the case of COVID-19 affecting our ability to manufacture. Initially we will be supplying orders from stock, but have put in place all safety measures to ensure our employees can return safely as soon as, depending on order volumes, we begin manufacturing again. We will be working to maintain our usual delivery standards but please be aware lead times and availability of products may be affected during this time.

We appreciate the positive way in which businesses have worked together in navigating our way through this crisis; let’s hope the country and our industry can continue to rebuild and grow even stronger once the worst has passed.

We’re delighted to be returning to some form of normality and want to reassure you that you have our full support, as always.

Stay safe,

Chris Alderson
Managing Director

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